We are a team of professional specialists with
more than five years of experience in the field of



We are one of the best companies working with marketing in general and advertising in particular. We apply a set of different tools for each project and then adjust them till we find an optimal mix which will bring more customers for less money to our client. In order to achieve this, we have specialists from various fields in our team and practice a modern system of work activity management – Agile, which is used in the most advanced and forward-looking Western companies.


Mobile search is expanding dramatically, with some even speculating that it will soon take over desktop search. So it seems that now is the right time to invest in mobile advertising. Here at Dalingo Investments, we offer a range of tools for advertising your mobile app. This includes location and device targeting, allowing your ad to target the correct audience at the right time and drive app downloads.



AdWords is a powerful advertising engine powered by Google is based on users’ searches and shows them up-to-date ads of products and services they might be interested in right now. It’s also called ‘a paid search’. The main advantage of this tool is a relatively low cost-per-click due to high-involved target audience.


Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide with more than 2.07 billion monthly active users. Facebook ads allow to target users based on their interests and behavioral patterns, such as monthly online spending, marital status, travelling routs, high/low personal income, comments in other groups, etc. All of the mentioned above allows to find new, unobvious target audiences and test different combinations of audiences’ variables to get, finally, an optimal cost-benefit composition.

Native Ads

Native ads are those which look like a part of a platform they are placed on. The product and the content are merged – so users’ trust to the ads is increased and the cost-per-click is decreased.

Mobile apps

Mobile Apps are usually advertised through Facebook as it is the biggest partner of such type of ads. And, as we have already mentioned, mobile apps represent the trendiest marketing topic.


We have gathered our team in such a way that its members accentuate good points and neutralize the weak ones of each other. We believe that productivity doesn’t have anything to do with working 12 hours per day but rather using each minute effectively and distributing the tasks taking in account everybody’s talents and skills. We are young and energetic, and, moreover, big enthusiasts of what we are doing. It means that we never do anything just to forget about it – we do things in a proper way because we love to.


office 29, Clifton house,
Fitzwilliam street lower, Dublin 2,
Republic of Ireland.

